ACREDIA Easy – efficient cover against loss of receivables for SMEs.

ACREDIA Easy – the simple way to keep your business running smoothly.

Efficient cover against loss of receivables for small and medium-sized enterprises


Protects smaller companies against loss of receivables

Smaller companies often have different credit insurance needs from large enterprises. They want a hassle-free solution, easy management and comprehensive cover. As a strong partner with international expertise, we provide ACREDIA Easy for straightforward cover against non-payment by your business customers in Europe and the OECD countries. Cover is vital because even a long-standing customer might suddenly be unable to pay.

ACREDIA Easy credit insurance costs

The premium is charged once yearly based on your turnover. Production costs are automatically covered.

Solvency monitoring

As part of Allianz Trade, we have millions of company data at our disposal and analyse the solvency of your assessed customers on an ongoing basis.

Take out cover for deliveries of goods and services

We provide straightforward, low-cost cover for your receivables from deliveries of goods or services.

Optional services 

Payment default

You maintain your liquidity if a solvent customer fails to pay despite due delivery of the goods or services. We offer cover for payment default in a package including cover for debt collection costs and the services of ACREDIA Debt Collection.

Optional services for your ACREDIA Easy insurance.


ACREDIA Versicherung AG

Himmelpfortgasse 29, 1010 Vienna